
Posts Tagged ‘volunteers’

As you may know, City Connect Detroit has been holding a series of listening sessions for nonprofits over the past few weeks.  We have had very rich, frank discussion with organizations from all over Southeast Michigan about the experiences and needs of nonprofits in these times. 

A topic that continues to surface has been the increase in those willing and able to volunteer their time to these numerous organizations.  With unemployment at record highs across the country, Detroit area nonprofits are not alone.

Volunteers may help nonprofits deal with capacity issues as the populations we serve and the need for our services continue to grow.  Many organizations are finding a pool of volunteers with very desirable backgrounds and experience, now able to follow passions or donate their much needed time to organizations that truly need it.  

Have you experienced an uptick in the number of volunteers with your orgnization?   Are you now faced with a highly-skilled volunteer workforce?  And with the increase in volunteers are you now experiencing any capacity issues while managing your volunteers?  

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